I'll Be Happy When...

Have you considered if you have a case of the I'll Be Happy When Blues??

To better understand this, think about how much you invest your current happiness for the possible attainment of future goals.

I'll be happy when I lose 10 lbs.
...when I make more money
...when I move out of this city
...when I find the perfect partner
...when I earn that professional title
...when I get one million Likes on Facebook

The ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace." The spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place."  ~ Marianne Williamson

Thought for this week:
Which one speaks loudest to you and which one do you listen to most--ego or spirit?
A couple of tips to help with your discovery process:
Tip # 1 : avoid allowing ego to take lead in answering the question or to dismiss the question as being foolish
Tip # 2: whatever you discover, ease up on yourself since critical self-judgement can be more harmful than it is healing