The Roots of Lion's Heart Yoga

While living in Austin during 2012, I answered an unusual Craig’s List ad. A mother was seeking a life-skills teacher for her 19 year-old autistic daughter. Her daughter, Kay, was going through big life transitions and had difficulties with change as well as handling stress.

I was confident in pursuing the challenge after having a positive experience in 2011 when I was hired to teach yoga and meditation to a young woman who suffered from fear and anxiety resulting from a trauma. Through time, my sessions with this client revealed beautiful changes and I remember feeling as if this was the start to something new with my yoga teaching.

Thrilled when Kay’s mother decided to hire me, I researched yoga asanas and breathing techniques best for autism. With each session, I listened with total awareness to Kay, which allowed me to adjust our sessions based on her responses and evolving needs. 

I held the space for her to open up so that personal discoveries were made smoothly and so that she felt safe. She began showing early progress as well as started expressing herself more freely and our bond grew deep. 

This bond was so strong that when it was time for me to move on from Austin, Kay, her mother and I agreed that it is essential to keep our connection going. I suggested continuing our sessions through Skype and after our first online session it was apparent that the progress could continue successfully online. This experience planted the seed for Lion's Heart Yoga to bloom.

Read more about Lion's Heart Yoga's Life Skills Coaching here and contact me at lionsheartyoga@gmail or click here to schedule a session. 
